Types of frames you can use for your eyeglasses


When choosing your new eyeglasses you have to make the right decision, not only to help you correct your vision problem, but also to make you look good. Today in the market you can find from red cateye glasses, to aviator style, so sometimes it makes the decision a little more difficult.

The optical industry has evolved significantly, not only from a technological standpoint and creating more effective corrective lenses but also with respect to the style of eyeglass frames.

Years ago wearing eyeglasses was synonymous with being nerdy, dumb, or intellectual, today that is totally different. There are people who, even though they don’t need prescription glasses, wear fake ones just to be fashionable.

Wearing glasses is no longer associated with being ugly, on the contrary, fashion has allowed us to integrate these accessories, colors, different materials, and shapes, so that in addition to having an excellent vision, you can look great.

If you are undecided on what type of eyeglasses frames to buy, here are some ideas that you can consider.

Cat-eye glasses

This type of frame has been used since the 50’s and it is no coincidence that after so many years they are still in trend. Today it is possible to see great influencers like Kim Kardashian, Beyonce or Madonna, wearing cat-eye glasses all the time and on any occasion.

Although this type of frame is designed for women, many men have also become interested in this trend. So there are no limits to wearing them.

Aviator style

Aviator glasses never go out of fashion, and when it comes to sunglasses, these models are preferred by both men and women. Precisely that is the characteristic that makes them stand out, which is a unisex design that continues to be in trend.

This type of glasses are one of those classics that can not miss within your accessories and that go with any type of clothing, and serve for any occasion.

Although aviator glasses are for both men and women, some of the most recognized brands have added certain touches to make them more feminine or masculine, however, there is a lot of variety.

The classic models

If you’re more conventional when it comes to prescription glasses or sunglasses, then you’re sure to be interested in the evergreen, round, rectangular and oval frames.

Round frames came back into fashion when Harry Potter appeared in theaters. No doubt many people have a face that favors this type of glasses.

Rectangular frames are probably the most purchased, because, besides the fact that they do not go out of fashion, they easily adapt to any type of face, highlighting their features.

Oval frames are also widely sold in stores, especially in materials such as aluminum and metal. These types of frames fit any prescription eyeglass lenses.


The truth is that there are many types of frames for your eyeglasses, but it will always depend on your needs, tastes and the shape of your face. Visit an optical to try on different models and find the one that best suits you. Don’t forget that in addition to being a corrective lens, your eyeglasses should also be a complement to your outfit and help you look good.


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